Wednesday, November 7, 2012

22nd birthday, Brooklyn Nets game, and a website facelift


Snaining. Aka: It is snowing and raining at the same time.

I just attempted to take a photo of the little piles of snow accumulating outside my window, but I almost dropped my camera in the process, therefore, I decided it wasn't worth it. But believe me, there is some snow comin' down. My first snow in New York City :). This is a momentous occasion. 

But let me back up for a second. Last you heard from me, it was Halloween. Because my birthday was the next day, my wonderful, lovely Belmont East friends took me out for the evening to celebrate. And because we were all still stuck in Brooklyn (trains weren't fixed until this past Monday), we just stuck to our usual hangout at Floyd.

Here I am with my lovely roomie.

It was such a fun-filled evening with some great pals.


The next morning, I woke up bright and early, feeling like a completely different person. Just kidding. I felt literally the exact same I had the day before. But, I'm 22 now! I love even numbers, and I love the number 2, so I think this is going to be a good year for me.

I grabbed some coffee at Tazza and walked down to the promenade to sit and think about my wonderful city, my wonderful friends, and my wonderful life. It was an absolutely beautiful day. I couldn't stop thinking, "How am I so lucky? I am so blessed." Now, if that's not a good way to start your birthday, I don't know what is.

Once Allison woke up, we both sauntered on down to Iris Cafe for a delicious breakfast of avocado toast and coffee (I know.. I had two coffees within the span of an hour. Oops.).

The rest of the day consisted of tons of relaxing, watching movies, and yummy scented candles.

(That is a cinnamon sugar doughnut candle, courtesy of the wonderful, Caroline Gaskin). 

And I also indulged in some good, old fashioned New York cheesecake.

It might not look like much, but I promise it was incredible. I tried to finish it. I really did. But I thought my stomach was going to explode. I did some damage, though.

It was such a perfect day-- filled with friends and food and New York City. It doesn't get much better than that. Here's to 22!


One of my professors, Dr. Maddox, took the trip up to New York so that we could have class. Yippee! Class on the weekend! (I'm being very sarcastic).

But in all seriousness, it really was an interesting class. Basically, it's called a "Senior Capstone" and it's set up only for seniors at Belmont... we sit around and talk about life after college, searching for jobs, and avoiding going into debt. It was extremely depressing, but it was also very informative. I just can't stop thinking about the fact that I'm GRADUATING FROM COLLEGE in May. What? I mean, really. What? 

It's exciting and terrifying at the same time.


I can't remember. Nada. No idea. Oops.


I got to go to a Brooklyn Nets game for class! I know... you're probably thinking, "What kind of class is that?" 

The answer? 

An awesome class.

I get really into games when I see them live, so I was super pumped. It was only the second game EVER for the Nets, which is pretty cool, and the Barclays Arena (where it was held) is such a neat building.

Unfortunately, the Nets lost. I don't know what in the world happened... they were up by more than 10 points the entire game, and then in the last 4 minutes, they dropped the ball (badumpcha!). They ended up losing by 8 points, or something like that. 

I was pretty upset, until I realized something kind of neat. Seeing as they won their first game, we got to be a part of history. We got to see the Brooklyn Nets lose their first game ever! (I know.. a bit of a stretch... I wanted to pull something positive from it).


I was supposed to go into my internship, however, the Internet is still down in our building. All of the work that we have to do at Bank Robber requires the use of the Internet. Therefore, everyone else is working from home until it's back up and running!

Because I had a lot of down time (and it was the first time I'd had the room alone in awhile), I decided it would be a good time to work on Kickstarter songs! I am proud to say that I've finished up my next original song for one of my Kickstarter backers :). I won't be posting it until the beginning of next week, but it is all finished and ready to go. Wooohoo.

Tuesday night, I did what everyone else in America was probably doing.

I watched the news to see who would be our 44th President!

Don't worry, I'm not going to go into any sort of political rant or speech (many people on my Facebook newsfeed did quite enough of that). All I'm going to say is that I think it's so wonderful to live in a country where we have the opportunity to vote for our leaders. No matter what your view or who you may have voted for, I just hope that everyone can put differences aside and support the man who will be leading our country for the next four years. That's all! Back to the usual shtuff.


I've been working on music all the live long day. I have a Christmas show coming up in December, another show at the Evening Muse coming up in December, a wedding coming up in January, and all of my Kickstarter songs. I am one busy gal! But it's music, which I love, so I'm happy.

And finally, a quick announcement! Thanks to Bobby Herb, my music website has been given a beautiful facelift :).

Go to: to check it out!

I'm off to go run around in this snain (snow/rain). I have my fingers crossed that the roads will be okay in the morning, because I am off to my grandparents' in upstate New York via Megabus bright and early! Can't wait to see them.


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