First things first... For those of you who may not know, I am now ENGAGED to this wonderful man.
I really don't know how to explain how unbelievably full my heart is. Bobby is everything I never knew I needed... And I really can't wait to spend the rest of forever with him.
I could say so much more about how amazing he is, but I think I'll hold onto that for a little while longer. We have a wedding to plan, and I don't want to give away ALL of the details now. But let me just say one thing: I am so thankful to have Bobby in my life.
I'll also spare you all of the little details of the engagement (unless you really want to hear them... just let me know!), but here is a basic rundown.
On Saturday, November 16th, Bobby took me on a lunch date to Bosco's in Hillsboro Village. This is where we had our very first date a little over three years ago. We hadn't been back since... (this should have been a hint for me). We had a delicious lunch of pizza and beer, and then he suggested we go for a walk in Shelby Park.
We loveee Shelby Park for a number of reasons. It's relatively close to where we both live in East Nashville, there are tons and tons of amazing trails that make you feel as if you are anywhere but a major city like Nashville, and there is so much we have still yet to explore.
Now, normally we RUN when we go to Shelby, so it was a little odd that Bobby wanted to go for a walk. But I went with it. It was starting to sprinkle a little bit, so I figured it would just be a quick, little stroll to work off some of the pizza we'd just consumed.
And when we rounded the corner to the first trail, I was greeted with this sight:
There were little papers blowing in the wind. My immediate thought was "Oh my God, someone is going to PROPOSE here! How cool is that??" I had no idea it was all for me, until I saw this:
And then I lost it. The floodworks began. I was like a dam that was done doing its job. Tears flowed like no other. Okay, you get the idea.
All along the trail, there were memories written on notecards, ticket stubs, photos of times past, brochures of adventures we'd been on, props from Halloween costumes, etc. The best way to describe it is that we took a "walk down memory lane". Literally.
And then this happened.
And I was ABSOLUTELY, 100% completely surprised. (As you can also see by the terrible paint job on my nails).
For this, I applaud Bobby and everyone else involved. I would like to consider myself a pretty observant person-- especially when it comes to other people. But I had absolutely NO idea that he was going to propose. Looking back, there were several "red flags" that should have alerted me... The fact that his hand was clammy in the car when I tried to hold it, how he took FOREVER to get ready (which I found out later was because he was trying to time it perfectly so that it didn't rain), and how his face looked really concerned when I mentioned "possibly picking up another shift at work" the day he had planned to propose to me.
I made it really difficult for him. But he kept his composure. And he gave me the best surprise I could have asked for.
I'm especially thankful that Bobby had some amazing people to help him out... Lauren, Garrett, Bobby, Mel, his parents, my mother, my brother... They ALL kept it a secret from me. And they helped him set it up, deal with logistics, etc. It's really quite impressive.
Speaking of people I'm thankful for...
These two are definitely up there. My fellow muskateers. My rock(s).
And I'm thankful for the REST of my family.... both sides and spreading for as far as I can wrap my head around. They have all been so unbelievably supportive and helpful. Many of them were not surprised at all when I called to give them the news... Saying things like, "Well, of course you're getting married." This just solidifies how much it just MAKES SENSE.
And my "soon-to-be" family. I'm thankful for them, too! I couldn't ask for a better family-in-law.
And my amazing friends. Gah. I think my eardrum almost exploded after all of the screaming it endured when I called my friends to tell them the news. I didn't know a human being could have so much excitement built up in their body.
The support is far and wide and it is overwhelming (in a good way).
Life is great, people. Life is GREAT.
I did a session with Brite Revolution at the end of October, and the videos have just been released to the public! If you'd like to, please go watch and take a listen to live takes of TWO new songs of mine.
This is "Let Me Let You Go":
And this is "Darling, Don't":
*** For some reason, those videos may not work. If this is the case, you can still listen to the songs! Just go to: and scroll to the very bottom! Both of the songs are listed there ***
I'm thankful for so many things right now, I feel as if I may EXPLODE with happiness (this seems to be a running theme in some of my posts). But it is true. I'm happy, I'm in love, I'm engaged, I'm surrounded by support, and it's almost Christmas. I couldn't ask for more.